Friday, June 27, 2008

Trash and Productivity

I've noticed recently that if I spend a lot of time scrapping, I have to empty the trashcan in my studio on a daily basis. I don't think I toss a lot of paper scraps, but I must toss a lot of something, because the trashcan sure gets full! I save grocery bags to line that trashcan and I put bags from craft shopping into my bag basket as well. I'm one of those neat freaks and a messy scrapping space will clog up my ability to create. I cannot work in a mess.

Recently the bag basket is getting low. Demand is outpacing supply. For a couple of days, I didn't believe it, then I started thinking.

There are only two of us and I go shopping once a week, getting about three bags of groceries. Yes, I can feed two people for a week on three bags of groceries. But I can't always save all three of those bags. They are wet with meat juices, or they tear. Three bags incoming does not equal daily trash bag outgoing. The only reason I haven't run out of bags earlier is that I go shopping for craft things and save those bags.

If I can't empty the trash, my work area is messy and I cannot create in a mess. Therefore, because my bag basket is getting empty, I must go shopping to re-stock my supply.

If you believe that, I've got a bridge listed on e-bay that you might be interested in...


ScrappinGalz said...

I have the same problem with my space and trash and my trash pail is three times the size of yours. I swear I must empty it 3 times a week. So leave the trash and go shopping! Its so much more fun than taking out the trash!


Melzie said...

You know, I clean up, but I create so much better in a mess-- though my room does look so nice clean... *sigh* I don't use bags- I have a metal tin, and since only paper (nothing wet) goes in it- it works great! :)

Mary Dawn said...

sounds perfectly feasible to me LOL

Lori Barnett said...

ha! I have 2 trash cans in my craft room....a bigger one and a small one. Funny store :)

Michelle said...

I love your layout Jaine! I just don't throw stuff out - ha ha ha! My husband wishes I would then maybe my room could be better organized! LOL!