Thursday, December 13, 2018

Minimalism and the 'To Make' List

Experiences over objects.

Time to focus on what you are doing and not what you are (or are not) using to get that shit done.

Well, what do you know? It's working! This is the smug post about the success I'm having. No eco-tourism for me, though.

I had set aside the projects that were on my 'To Make' list in a pile 'o projects when I did the 2 + 2 = 5 declutter and re organize of my studio. I created a clear and clean space in which to work and solve the problems that had kept me from completing projects. I wasn't thrilled about the pile o' projects, though. I was worried that the pile would just get pushed around and not worked on.

In the first full day of studio use after the re organization, I completed four different projects that had been hanging over my head and making me feel guilty. FOUR. Then I dove into another project that would require a bit of effort, and it's down to just the hemming. Yep. And the hemming is going well.

That pile of projects is halved. Halved, I tell you. I'm now moving through my studio searching for projects to add to that pile, so I can attack them and finish them off. I hate to admit it, but I am finding the occasional stalled WIP (Work In Progress) that I add to the pile. But at least, I've identified them and can finally get them finished.

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