Monday, December 3, 2018

How Goes the Declutter?

Minimalism and decluttering aren’t the same. I’m not reducing my piles of clutter just to reduce my mess and make my house look all neat and tidy. My end goals are; to own less stuff, have less guilt about projects left undone, do less housework, spend more time doing the things that I enjoy doing, and to spend less money, time and effort keeping up things that I own but never use.

I used to dream of downsizing to a tiny house, but Hubster isn’t jumping on that bandwagon. I use the question, “Would I have this in a tiny house?” as a guideline for deciding what I want to keep or buy. Am I planning to move to a tiny house? No. But I’m also tired of spending my energy on the upkeep of stuff I don’t love and use regularly. I want to rid myself of things that I don’t want, don’t enjoy having, and don’t use.

That is a minimalist outlook. I’m not decluttering. If the end result is that I have decluttered, great - but it wasn’t my goal.

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