I decided on a cabinet instead of a shelving unit because I don't like to have my stuff out in the open. I think things look cluttered that way and I'd rather have my stuff hidden behind doors that I can close. The cabinet is already placed in the room where it will stay. I measured from the corner, so when my big tables move downstairs, they will fit.
On the floor, you can see three shelves that I'm painting white. That's a part of my sewing storage and will end up in the opposite corner of the room. I have a white sewing table already and I wanted the bookcase to match it. I like white furniture for my craft space, what can I say?
The craft space re-do is going slowly. I'm thinking a lot about each purchase and addition before I make it. I want to have most of my placement of objects planned out in advance, and not higgeldy-piggeldy, put things in locations that don't work for me. My scrapping space will be a large L, with the short section to my right and behind me. When I sit in the corner of the L and face the window, I want to be able to easily reach a lot of my supplies without straining for them.
Great cabinet that you bought! Good idea rather than shelving. I like your current workspace too! I recently moved upstairs, but my basement wasn't nice & bright like yours. Good luck with your re-do! (I can send you my address if you want to send me your OLD room...LOL)
Looks like you're off to a great start! Can't wait to see the finished product. I need some inspiration for my space!
I am working on my space too. Just kicked my hubby out of the office an taking it over... Come and see my room...
I am so jealous! My scraproom is a mess and so tiny! Can i come over and play?
It's getting there! I can't wat to see the finished product!
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