Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Is There an Organization Muse?

I think that's the muse that visits me most frequently. Creativity is difficult for me and I'm always struggling with it. Organization, now that falls from my fingertips like water from a fountain. I managed to CASE or come up with designs for a few more cards this morning.

There is a quote about creative mess and neat and tidy idleness. I have neat and tidy creativity. I can't create in a mess. That photo at the top of my blog is my scrapping room. The more I work in a space, the neater it gets. What creates a mess in my workspace would be potential projects. Those ideas that I'm testing, the sample I bring home from a crop, the new stamps that I haven't put away yet. Once those potentials turn into projects, the mess goes away It must be because I hate to look for things. I don't put a tool down when I've finished using it, I put it away. When I want it again, be it in three minutes or three days, I know exactly where it is and I can find it instantly. I don't know if it's faster or slower than just putting tools down and searching for them a bit. I only know that is the way I work best.

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