Friday, March 15, 2019

Inbox Clutter and Shopping

Every so often, I go through the emails I get and do an unsubscribe binge. Usually, I simply delete emails, but when the pile to delete gets to be too big and annoying, I stop instantly deleting and start doing the unsubscribe and then delete.

This helps me clear out the mental clutter that is digital. It also helps me avoid random shopping on line that is encouraged by these emails. Not that I actually do random on-line shopping. These days, I go grocery shopping and that's it.

I recently looked at the pile of boxes of stuff that I have in our basement and I realized that I've not only made a dent, I've made a big dent. If I had to move out of this house tomorrow, I have less stuff than I had when we moved into this house. A lot less.

I'm working on getting rid of even more stuff. This is the stuff to get rid of that is difficult. I have to find a market for it. I've got an inkle loom and a spinning wheel to get rid of. The first step is to get pictures, and the second is to post them on a buy/sell website that has people that might actually purchase them.

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